Anthony Roman is available for media consultations 24/7/365, please contact Roman's Media Team to request a interview.


CNN-Video--Hotel Maids at Risk for Rape?

06.01.11 / by The Situation Room, CNN

Anthony Roman consults with CNN on The Situation Room regarding hotel security.


MSNBC-Video--Protecting hotel housekeepers

05.25.11 / by Jansing and Co, MSNBC

Anthony Roman consults with MSNBC regarding hotel security and provides some tips to keep housekeepers safe.


Sexual Affronts Are a Known Hotel Hazard

05.24.11 / by Steven Greenhouse, New York Times

"These problems happen with some regularity," said Anthony Roman, chief executive of Roman & Associates, a Long Island company that advises hotels on security matters. "They're not rare, but they're not common either."


In wake of Strauss-Kahn arrest, hotel housekeepers say jobs often make them wary

05.21.11 / by Chris Hawley, Associated Press

Anthony Roman consults with Washington post: Anthony Roman, a consultant based inLong Island New York who spent 30 years working security for hotels,said he knows of dozens of incidents involving female room attendants, from drunken propositions to rape...


No more Mr. Tough Guy in the detective biz

10.24.10 / by Hilary Potkewitz, Crain's New York Business

Anthony Roman's team combs through electronic documents, builds timelines with e-mail archives, and sometimes has to pay a surprise visit to a company to inspect its electronic records or interview a former employee. Five years ago, most of his investigators were former FBI agents, he says. "Today, we've added accountants, engineers, former attorneys and software folks."


Credit Card Hackers Visit Hotels All Too Often

07.05.10 / by JOE SHARKEY , New York Times

You can't afford to be a victim of identity theft! Proper hotel security practices can insure that you won't be vulnerable to the crime. In this article Anthony Roman discusses what you can do to insure the protection of consumer and company information.



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