Roman is Still Fully Operational Under Shelter-In Place Orders with Its Disaster Readiness Program:
Even with a pandemic systematically crushing the national and international economy, Roman is still thriving and managing investigations.
How you might ask? Simply.
We have prepared for any type of risk using our Disaster Readiness Program. During the course of several years, we have been training and implementing procedures so if a threat develops, we are still able to operate using the resources available.
Through our proprietary technologies, we have been able to alter our “in-person contact” to lawful, encrypted interactions that can be monitored in real time. This allows us to obtain evidence and statements with security and privacy compliance throughout the world.
Our Surveillance Program is continuing with safety and commitment to our health as our top priorities. We are using advanced tools, which allow us to complete the job with distance in mind.
For our Trial Preparation Unit, we are now using certified mailing process service and continue to prepare affidavits on this service.
Many of our other functions can be reserved for our in-house counsel, our engineers and our analysts, which have remained unchanged and you can assign with ease.
Stay healthy and protected. These are difficult times and we are all sharing this experience together. Let’s work collectively to halt the effects of COVID-19 on our economy.
If you would like to see a list of our capabilities, please refer to our website at
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