As the country starts to re-open and employees begin returning to work, a spike in COVID-19 cases may be seen; unless business owners and managers create a risk assessment and mitigation plan.
Until there is a vaccine, we must make careful decisions about the health of our community. Roman is experienced in evaluating risk assessment and developing plans to diminish that peril.
Roman has already developed a strategy for our company.
If you would like information or would like to have policies in place to safeguard your employees and your community visit our website at and speak with us about how we can assess your return to work.
Please take note: The stages on resuming business vary by industry. Some areas require a specific plan for re-opening.
You can help your business restart, safely and effectively. Having a plan can mean the difference between life and death.
So contact Roman today to see how we can assist.
A special thank you to all of our essential workers.