Anthony Roman is available for media consultations 24/7/365, please contact Roman's Media Team to request a interview.

Caution: Presidential Vote Meddling
Investigator Anthony Roman Describes Deep Interference in American Elections by Nation States

Has China Ramped-up Global Hacking?
Anthony Roman, Software Patent Holder & Investigator, Reviews

KRACK Wi-Fi Attack: How Vulnerable Are You?
Anthony Roman, Software Patent Holder & Investigator, Walks You Through the Maze

Russians Hack Colin Powell's Email?
Will His Comments Affect The Election? Anthony Roman Comments.

Hackers Threaten US Banks
Anthony Roman & The Feds Warn Banking System Liquidity Is At Risk.

Boston Government Cyber Attack
Cyber Policies of Many Cities are Lagging says Anthony Roman.

Chinese Hackers Steal 4M Federal Personnel Records
Anthony Roman explains the "zero day" hack attack against the United States.

Federal Personnel Info Stolen
Investigator & software designer Anthony Roman explains the enormous damage the hackers have done to the United States and Gov. employees.

IRS Database Hack "Unacceptable"
Anthony Roman believes U.S. is "behind the curve" on digital security.

Airliner Cyber Sabotage Possible?
Anchors Toure, Krystal Ball, & Anthony Roman reveal surprising answers!

A New Kind of War - CyberWar!
Medal of Honor Winner Col. Jack Jacobs & Anthony Roman Discuss the elements of cyberwar.

FBI Probes Hack of Sony Pictures
Anthony Roman comments on how the incident "doesn't fit the profile of a government attack."

MIT Gets $15M to Thwart Cyberthreats
Anthony Roman discusses an initiative by MIT to deal with the growing number of cyber attacks.

Hack Attack Home Depot - 53 Million Records Stolen
Anthony Roman explains how the hackers could steal your identity.

Hack at JPMorgan Chase hits 76M
Anthony Roman reports how hackers gained access to records affecting 76 million homes and 7 million businesses.

Hackers Hit Shaw's, Star Market Chains
Anthony Roman provides advice on simple, yet effective methods to protect your business and home computers.

Billion Stolen Usernames Just Tip of Crime Iceberg
Russian hackers may have government ties. Anthony Roman, Gus Coldebella, partner Goodwin Proctor & former general counsel Dept. of Homeland Security, and Alex Holden offer insight into this record cyber theft.

Russian Cyber Gang Steals Record 1.2 Billion Logon Credentials
Anthony Roman explains why we are all at risk.

How To Better Protect Your Guests Data
Anthony Roman Cautions... (the) U.S. Federal Trade Commission is going to show a greater inclination to pursue franchisors when there are data security violations.

NBC: Bank Security Deficiencies and Increased Cyber Crime
Bank robberies are declining dramatically, replaced by cyber crime, says Anthony Roman.

Sources: Data Breach Shows Industry Liability
Anthony Roman warns that mixed model enterprises are vulnerable to hacking.

Cyber Attack - 40 Million Credit Card Customers Compromised
Anthony Roman analyzes Cyber Attack involving 40 million customer credit card files at Target.

CNBC: Western Express Cyber Criminal Ring
Anthony Roman consults with Andrea Day on CNBC's "Power Lunch" segment, "Crime and Punishment", regarding the Western Express cyber criminal ring.

Data Security Begins With the Traveler
Mr. Roman, president of Roman & Associates, which specializes in investigations and risk management consulting explains that isolated unauthorized charges on your credit card statement most likely indicate that sophisticated cybercriminals are waiting to see if you will notice.

Top 10 Obstacles in Fraud Prevention
Anthony Roman, head of global security and risk-management firm Roman & Associates, outlines 10 key obstacles that require careful consideration...

PCI Compliance: A Best Defense Against Hackers
Data security has quickly become an important and complex issue in day-to-day life. In the full story Anthony C. Roman, Private Investigator in NYC and head of Roman and Associates, catches you up on what you can do for your companies safety.
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